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The Doctor’s Crossing Carpe Diem Podcast

Aug 23, 2023

If achieving work-life balance proves challenging within your clinical position, transitioning to a medical director role at a benefit management company could offer a potential solution for you. Benefit management companies are involved with optimizing healthcare services, controlling costs, and improving outcomes for individuals covered under benefit plans.  Our guest today, Dr. Michele Cho Dorado, is a pediatric gastroenterologist and medical director. She is also a children's book author and founder of Bright Futures EDG. Dr. Cho Dorado will be sharing how and why she got into the role of medical director at a benefit management company, what her day-to-day work is like, qualifications for this job, typical compensation, and how you can pursue this type of role.

You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here:


In this episode we’re talking about:

  • Why Dr. Cho Dorado decided to leave her role as pediatric gastroenterologist
  • How leaving her clinical role freed up mental space and opened new doors to creative entrepreneurial pursuits 
  • How benefit management companies seek to optimize patient care, control costs and improve outcomes.
  • Michele’s typical day in her current role
  • Her perspective on peer-to-peer calls  
  • How to know if you’d be a good fit for this role
  • Compensation and qualifications for benefit management jobs


Links for this episode:



Instagram: @brightfuturesedg
