Feb 14, 2024
How do you cope and adapt when your own health becomes
a barrier to practicing medicine? This week I’m speaking with Dr.
Courtney Barrett, an internal medicine physician, who helps us
navigate this pivotal question. Dr. Barrett shares her personal
journey and provides insight into managing life and a medical
career with significant health challenges. Her story is not just
one of resilience, but also a guiding light for physicians who find
themselves not by choice on a similar path.
You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here:
In this episode we’re talking about:
Links for this episode:
Physicians For Physicians Facebook Group - This is a
private (nonsearchable) Facebook group for physicians dealing with
a chronic illness and/or a disability. To inquire about joining
this group, please send an email to physiciansforphysicians@gmail.com.
Private 1:1 Consultations - If you would like some confidential help with your career situation, Dr. Heather Fork offers one-hour Zoom consultations. This one-hour coaching session may be all you need to gain clarity and have some concrete steps for moving forward. Dr. Fork also has a 5-month coaching program for those physicians wanting additional assistance (subject to availability). For more information please reach out to Kati at team@doctorscrosing.com.
Episode 77 - A Career-Ending Injury Leads To A New Direction