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The Doctor’s Crossing Carpe Diem Podcast

Jul 26, 2023

While many physicians shift into nonclinical roles at the mid- or late-career stage, it’s not unusual for those as early as medical school or residency to be interested in exploring their nonclinical options. However, it’s common to have more confusion than clarity about this topic so early in the game. My returning guest today, Dr. Heidi Moawad, is a neurologist and writer who mentors medical students and residents. She’s here to discuss where to start when you’re considering nonclinical options, how to diplomatically gain insight and knowledge from mentors, and why delving into this topic early on can lead to better career satisfaction down the road. 

You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here: 


In this episode we’re talking about:

  • Why considering all your career options early on is a great idea
  • What motivates early career physicians to explore nonclinical roles
  • How to approach nonclinical career hunting without getting overwhelmed
  • The importance of networking when seeking nonclinical career guidance
  • How to approach your mentors for nonclinical career advice
  • Why LinkedIn is a great tool for career exploration
  • Dr. Moawad’s book, Careers Beyond Clinical Medicine


Links for this episode: 

Careers Beyond Clinical Medicine by Dr. Heidi Moawad Dr. Heidi Moawad’s website

Episode 33 - Top 4 Career Roadblocks with Dr. Heidi Moawad