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The Doctor’s Crossing Carpe Diem Podcast

Dec 28, 2022

Do you remember that day when you were granted your license to practice medicine? Whoohoo! It’s a big deal to have an active medical license. And once it’s been retired or inactive for a period of time, it can be rather arduous, depending on the state, to get it back. Today we’re revisiting my second podcast episode with Arnold Lorenzo, a medical licensing expert, to talk about how to keep your license active if you decide to leave practice, whether for a nonclinical job, to take care of family, or for other reasons. 

You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here: 


In this episode we’re talking about:

  • How to keep your license active if you leave practice
  • Some of the differences between states for license renewal
  • Tips for making it easier to return to practice if you do leave
  • The benefits of the interstate medical licensure compact 


Links for this episode:

Interstate Medical Licensure Compact (IMLC)

Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB)

KSTAR/UTMB Mini-residency reentry program