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The Doctor’s Crossing Carpe Diem Podcast

Jun 22, 2022

Decided on your nonclinical career path? Check. Tuned up your resume? Check. Applied to jobs? Check. Prepared for your nonclinical interview?? If not, it’s time to add this item to your checklist and start preparing well in advance. Transitioning to a nonclinical role means adapting to a different interview style. My guest today is Dr. Karyn Woelflein, a PM&R physician who transitioned to a nonclinical role and learned this lesson the hard way. She’s here to share what she learned from a bad experience, how she improved her interview skills, and what you can do to nail that job interview.  You can download “10 Tips to Rock Your Interview” by going to the Freebie tab on the website. 

You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here:


In this episode we’re talking about:


  • Why Dr. Woelflein was surprised by her first nonclinical interview experience
  • How honest recruiter feedback motivated Karyn to make changes
  • The role of structured preparation before nonclinical interviews
  • A helpful mnemonic for framing succinct, personal interview answers
  • Techniques for tactfully pausing to collect your thoughts during an interview
  • Why pertinent, personal anecdotes make you a memorable interviewee
  • The importance of having questions prepared for your interviewer


Links for this episode:

10 Tips to Rock Your Interview - Download your free guide to preparing for your nonclinical interviews. Scroll down when you’re on the Freebie tab to grab this resource and find others as well. 

Podcast 25 How to Rock Your Nonclinical Interviews

Podcast 39 How to Sound More Confident in Interviews