Aug 30, 2023
You've done your research and are ready for a new nonclinical role; all that's left is landing the interview. However, you're not quite sure if you should send in a resume or a CV, or even what the difference exactly is. You want to showcase your skills and experience, but you may not be sure how to communicate them. In...
Aug 23, 2023
If achieving work-life balance proves challenging within your clinical position, transitioning to a medical director role at a benefit management company could offer a potential solution for you. Benefit management companies are involved with optimizing healthcare services, controlling costs, and improving outcomes for...
Aug 16, 2023
We all know that good communication is essential in medicine. From connecting with patients to interacting with colleagues, interpersonal communication is key to doing what we became doctors to do - treat patients. But as today’s returning guest Dr. Ryan Bayley is here to discuss, the wrong communication style can...
Aug 9, 2023
One of my career mantras is “fix it up before you give it up”. That’s because leaving medicine is a big deal, but burnout can have you looking for the fastest way out, which isn’t always the best option. In order to make the right decision for you, it’s helpful to do everything you can to make things better...
Aug 2, 2023
Deciding whether to stay in clinical medicine or leave is a high-stakes choice many physicians consider, and it’s important to know you aren’t alone in contemplating this million-dollar question. If you’re at the white coat crossroads, how do you know if you can find a way to be happier in medicine or if it’s...